Associates committed to continued acts of kindness

Since the success of last year’s 125 Acts of Kindness campaign, associates have not stopped supporting their local communities with fundraising efforts and volunteering. Here is a summary of just some of those efforts by associates over recent months.
Ben Goode – Score a Try against cancer

Ben Goode, Data and Sales Analyst Intern at Bosch Power Tools UK, has been playing rugby since he could remember and his mum, who sadly passed away from Brain Cancer back in January also played for a long time and shared Ben’s love for the sport.
Recently, Ben participated in the Petersfield 7s tournament to raise awareness of Rugby Against Cancer, a charity dedicated to bringing members of the rugby community who have been affected by cancer together and provide them with sufficient support in a variety of different methods.
The tournament consisted of several short games with smaller teams than you may find at your average rugby match, but the event still required the same level of skill and commitment to come out on top – which the team managed to achieve!
To mark the achievement Rugby Against Cancer made a £1,000 donation to Brain Tumour Research, the charity closest to Ben’s family.
On taking part Ben said: “It was great to be brought together by a sport we love and meet lots of other players that all shared similar experiences with cancer.”
Learn more about Rugby Against Cancer here.
ETAS UK – Green fingers at York Cemetery

Recently, a group of ETAS associates volunteered their morning to do some gardening at York cemetery. The team got stuck in clearing brambles as well as some overall tidying making the area more attractive and a pleasant place for visitors. The activity was conducted in partnership with York Cares, an independent charity which brings businesses, employees and communities together to make York a better place.
Bosch Rexroth UK– Sales team takes on Operations in Socceraid match
This month the annual Bosch Rexroth Socceraid match took place which saw the returning winners, the sales team take on operations in a competitive but fun battle to raise money for Caring Together, a local charity who provide support to carers. The event managed to raise over £800 for charity.
This year the operations team came out on top, winning 4-3 after bringing their best young players onto the pitch, which helped the team turn their game around. The team were then able to celebrate with local associates who attended the game to show their support.

Emma Ryan - Refurbishing community venue for Bushey & Oxhey Cubs

When Emma Ryan, UK Legal Business Partner at Bosch Mobility, found out her children’s scout group, Bushey & Oxhey Scout Group, had a broken oven which meant that the various groups using the hut couldn’t take part in activities which involved cooking. Knowing that there was a possibility to request a donation using the 125 years charity campaign last year, Emma contacted the donations team at BSH to ask if they could supply a new oven and hob. This request was reviewed and granted meaning the group could once again take part in cooking activities.
This small act of kindness was a catalyst which prompted many refurbishments to the Beavers site. The Scout Group appealed in their local WhatsApp group to encourage local businesses to help and support the group by donating kitchen parts for a full kitchen refurbishment along with tiles and windows to add the finishing touch. Many of the parents from the group lent a helping hand to install the donated materials, showing that anything can be achieved when people come together.
“It just goes to show that small acts of kindness can lead to big change, which we wouldn’t have thought possible a year ago.” - Emma Ryan
Bosch Power Tools UK – Influencers go head to head

Power Tools sponsored a charity football match at Oakwell Stadium in Barnsley, where a team of plumbers competed against a team of electricians to fundraise for Mind UK. As part of their attendance the PT team had an exhibition stand showcasing the 18V range with Paul Harding, User Sales Manager at Bosch Power Tools UK on hand to conduct tool demos for those at the event.
Barnsley College were also sponsoring the event, with construction students in attendance, it was the perfect opportunity to showcase the Pro College initiative and engage with the young apprentices.
The team also had their own raffle, with a variety of different prizes, which drew a strong audience, raising additional funds for the charity!
ETAS - getting more girls into coding
ETAS invited a group of female students from Fulford school in York to the office to participate in a code experience day, helping to increase awareness of STEM subjects and themes within in a female audience.
The day consisted of career presentations in the morning from a number of female ETAS and Bosch associates followed by a coding activity which allowed the students to experiment with spike robots in the afternoon.
Organising such events and showing young females the different roles/ career options which are available and highlighting the creative aspects of software engineering will help to encourage more young girls to consider picking STEM subjects in their GCSEs and pursuing a career in the field.